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KG_Panzerschreck 07-09-2009 10:31 AM

I have recently started getting cable internet for those of you who dont know and i was looking to get back into play an FPS online again. The only thing i have is COD1. If anyone would be interested in playing, let me know and ill install it. :egg:

Edit: FYI im about 2 years past due for a PC upgrade so i dont have the capabilities to play anything new or anything that has come out in the last 4 to 5 years.

KG_Soldier 07-09-2009 11:08 AM


Kent, for $9.99 you can buy Day of Defeat, Source. It'll run on any machine and a lot of people still play. Andy and I still play, and Cooper can and SSpoom can and probably Star.

It's the best WWII shooter out there, at least for moderate rigs like mine.

KG_Panzerschreck 07-11-2009 02:44 PM

Is the EXE file you DL saveable{Like burnable to a CD} incase something happens to your PC and you need to reinstall windows or some other nasty thing like that happens?

KG_Soldier 07-11-2009 02:52 PM

I've had to reinstall several times. All games you buy on Steam are downloadable over and over.

KG_Panzerschreck 07-11-2009 03:28 PM

OK. Ive always wondered how they handled that. Now i have to pry the Credit Card from the old ladies claws......

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