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KG_CrimsonTrooper 11-05-2007 11:37 PM

Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare
Who's going to get this game?


I am for the PC.

KG_Panzerschreck 11-06-2007 12:16 AM

Ill get it for the XBOX 360, but my PC would never be able to run it. :beerglass

KG_Kharkov 11-06-2007 08:10 AM

for the 360 here. Same regarding the PC. I doubt mine could run it well.

KG_Soldier 11-06-2007 12:04 PM

I'm getting it for the X-Box just so you will have to buy one if you want to play with your KG brothers.

KG_Cloghaun 11-06-2007 12:06 PM

I've said for awhile now that I've always wanted to eventually get a FPS game & play with you guys. Now that I have the PC to do it, I'd be willing to get this one if some more of you guys are going to.

Is this game going to be the next great FPS game or just a flash in the pan release? I'd like to know before throwing my $ around.


KG_Kharkov 11-06-2007 12:52 PM

The 360 version has gotten great reviews -- it will be the highest rated shooter this year other than Halo 3 on the 360. You can't go wrong if you get it for PC (I'm betting). Get yourself a 360 Franky! We need to beat up on your Lions!

KG_Soldier 11-06-2007 02:38 PM

I agree, get the X-Box Frank! We could start a KG Madden League. Titans, Lions, Steelers, Browns, ect. Andy can be the Chargers.

KG_Cloghaun 11-06-2007 03:39 PM

Why should I buy an X-box 360? You can play all these games on the PC, can't you? What's the advantage of having another gaming system?

Just curious.

I also thought that FPS games are easier to control with a key board than a handheld controller? I've heard that anyway.

How do you connect? Via your cable provider?

KG_Kharkov 11-06-2007 03:53 PM

You buy a 360 for a couple of reasons:

1. Convenience -- you never have to worry about game specs, compatiblity with your vid card, operating system etc. and all that other crazy ridiculous stuff you get with PC games. You also cut your "crash" events by 99%. You'll only ever crash online barring a rare bad 360 (all the new ones on the market have their kinks ironed out).

2. Play on your TV, not a monitor, and play with friends at your house.

3. Online convenience: Microsoft's online set up is fantastic. A centralized uniform standard for all game providers to use. I used to be a huge PS guy but Microsoft is so much better in this department.

4. Fantastic game selection -- again, play all cutting edge games without worrying about your system specs. Also, play exclusive games which are quite good (like Halo 3) and play games which are better suited for console like sports games.

Connecting your Xbox is ultra-simple. Buy an XBox live account ($50 for a full year), connect your ethernet cable (or buy a wireless connector if you have a wireless modem in your house) and follow the easy online set up. After that, you automatically log on every time your XBox is hooked up to the internet and you have it on. In other words, if you have the internet, you don't need anything else other than an Xbox Live membership.

As for the PC vs. Controller debate for shooters, you will find folks like Steve who can't play shooters well on a controller b/c they learned on PC. I learned to play games on a controller so shooters seem natural on the controller. I find mouse and keyboard to just be wierd for a shooter and prefer a controller every time. Basically, both work just fine and you'll find folks who like both, and folks who only like one b/c they aren't used to the other.

KG_Soldier 11-06-2007 04:40 PM

I was playing John on my 60" HD tv, pretty cool. I haven't tried a shooter on the X-Box but will when CoD4 comes out. It'll probably take me a while to get used to it. The X-Box also plays DVDs and the price of the HD DVD attachment will soon be affordable, $150 bucks or so now (which is pretty cheap compared to other HD DVD players). I hook-up to the internet via wireless and haven't had any problems.

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