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KG_AirborneBob 10-17-2008 06:41 AM

AXIS Diverse Thread.....
anyone know how to make a private thread by invite only???:withstupi

KG_Jag 10-17-2008 01:32 PM

This is KG Bob. Just let everyone know that this a team only threat and no one on the other side will look (except for Mark when he goes through his "new posts" and accidentally clicks in).

KG_Swampfox 10-17-2008 09:53 PM

Swamp reporting for duty.....

KG_AirborneBob 10-19-2008 06:05 AM

alrighty then..... Ideas?? Did everyone get the map? If not let meknow I can send it to you....it looks pretty straight forward, keep one vil...grab the other two....

KG_Swampfox 10-19-2008 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by KG_AirborneBob (Post 48555)
alrighty then..... Ideas?? Did everyone get the map? If not let meknow I can send it to you....it looks pretty straight forward, keep one vil...grab the other two....

I did not get the map...


KG_Jag 10-19-2008 01:25 PM

Neither did I--no map yet.

KG_Swampfox 10-20-2008 05:56 PM

Fairly large map for 30 turns, Infantry will need to be mobile

Great Tiger VI country, L/48 STuGs would be all right also, but not as good as Tigers
If no Tigers, Stugs and MKIVGs...

Lots of open areas with many possible antitank gun positions, we will need some fast recon
and a way to deal with enemy A/T guns

Tactics will depend on the undetermined setup zones

Suunoye is approachable on the south side of the map in defilade.

I'd like to see some towed 150mms for softing up the heavy buildings in the towns,
which should be full of SMG squads.......

Bill, Bob, your impressions???

KG_Jag 10-20-2008 07:05 PM

I still haven't received the map. I know Bob has my email address, as he is trading WCE files with me.

KG_AirborneBob 10-20-2008 07:54 PM

So we need to come up with a mobile, long reaching, fast, and lethal force of 2050 pts... I like the 150mm idea, and the Tigers...but with Tigers your gonna eat up points fast....Fusileirs work well in wooded areas..if you get them up close....

KG_Jag 10-20-2008 11:33 PM

Although it would be nice to have, I don't think that we will need a fast moving force. I also don't see this as a Tiger map. On both flanks there are too many stands of scattered trees that must be crossed. In the middle there are many ambush opportunities. Selecting a platoon of Tigers leaves almost nothing for infantry. The Tigers would be at great risk on the offense and too expensive on defense. Here are my force selection recommendations:

Offense (total points = 1,509)

1 platoon reg. SS Mech Stug III F/8---301 points
1 battalion reg. Finnish '42 Sissi (comes with 81 mm sptr.)--1,208 points

Defense (total points = 551)

1 German vet. Mountain Aufk. Co. (includes 2 75 mm IG's)--461 points
3 German green Mountain 75 mm IG's (30 points each)-------90 points

Note: the Stugs are cheaper if bought as SS.

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