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Unread 05-04-2005, 02:08 PM
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KG_Panzerschreck KG_Panzerschreck is offline
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Location: Williamsburg, Pa.
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Default Heres A Warped Question For You...

Lets say, that you had a choice between these 2 types of vehicles to fight in on the eastern front, only one of which you could fight from for the whole war, which would you pick. keep in mind that you never know what distances youd be fighting at, sometimes long, sometimes shorter distances.

a) a F model Stug {no MG, 75mm/L48}


B) a Nashorn {has mg*, 88mm/L70}

* just because combat mission says it doesnt have one, doesnt mean it didnt. each nashorn was issued a mg-34lmg and 1200 rnds of ammo as standard kit. it also was a standard practice in the fieldshops to "jerry rig" them {haha get the pun} with AAMG mounts on the shield/armor. if the enemy did close the range to where the mg was needed, the crew fought with thier mg-34 up over the shield or from one of the AA mounts and the rest used thier mp-40's.
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