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Unread 10-26-2006, 10:38 AM
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KG_AGCent KG_AGCent is offline
Oberste Befehlshaber (Ret.)
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So far, things are going fairly smoothly. I have had to abandon the idea of long-radius tubing turns in favor of elbows in order to ensure no obstructions where key components are going to sit on the Mobo. Also, for every two steps I take forward I am taking one and a half back where this cooling loop is concerned. The vid coolers are going to have to be permanently fixed to the cards in order for me to run the loop leak test and be able to ensure the loop integrity because of the bridge between the coolers. Quite nervous about that. So I have to take the coolers off, clean the chips with isopropyl alchohol, install the heat transfer paste on the GPU and all seven RAM blocks then reattach the coolers with all the hardware. Thank God the coolant is absolutely non-conductive.

I almost jumped the gun last night and installed my CPU but then put my brain into gear and stopped before I open the box. Lesson: don't do this shit while tired.
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