Thread: Tide of Iron
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Unread 05-25-2007, 01:45 AM
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KG_Panzerschreck KG_Panzerschreck is offline
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Default Tide of Iron: Days of the Fox

Tide of Iron: Days of the Fox is the 1st expansion for Tide of Iron. Its based in North Africa and it brings the Brits into the game.

Preorder at for 39.95 -

Here is the blurb from Funagain -

"The Tide of Iron line expands with the addition of Days of the Fox. This first expansion for Tide of Iron features the introduction of the British army and the North African campaigns, including new terrain tiles, new rules, new units, and new scenarios."

Contents -

Nine new geomorphic double-sided map boards.
The all-new British army, including new soldiers and vehicles.
New rules, new scenarios, and new units.
__________________  g
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