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Unread 12-13-2007, 07:47 PM
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Palantir Palantir is offline
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Posts: 701


Ummm, "we" never said "we" wanted to replace the CMx1 games, only "fix" a few things to make it even BETTER.

But by your comments you have followed the entire CMXX "history" so you know it's more about BFC saying one thing then doing another. Their lack of concern for their "core" gamers was incredibile. A company lying and sending out a "beta" version NOT a complete game is also key to the arguments/discussions.

And DUH! Anyone who likes anything will like that "thing" so RT'ers will like RT games, even CMSF. But when those RT'ers say they love the game because of it's problems they have problems of their own.

Bill- a Berg game with a flaw? He does great work, I love AH's Anzio & SPI's Terribile Swift Sword games.
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