Thread: Look Out Below!
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Unread 02-15-2010, 02:32 AM
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KG_Panzerschreck KG_Panzerschreck is offline
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Default Look Out Below!

I got a pleasent awaking Friday morning when i stepped out onto my front stoop and suddenly my left leg went straight down through the concrete, up to my hip, to the ground below. My other leg shot straight out to the right when it happened. It all happened so fast i had no time to think. Apart from some scrapes from the rebar in the concrete, a few bruises and a few sore muscles, im alright. I think i got off easy considering what could of happened. I could of broken a leg, arm or even my neck.

We have been living in our place now for what will be 7 years in march. The steps are one of those pre-fab concrete units you just set in place. They have been wearing away since before we lived here and each year they have been getting worse. Each time it froze then thawed pieces would chip and fall away. Well enough of it had finally fallen away to point where someone, and im glad it was me instead of anyone else, fell through. Im a tough bastard when it comes to taking physical punishment. If that would of happened to Brandi she would of broken a leg for sure.

Well, here are the pics i took of the steps a few minutes after i calmed myself down and i figured i better take some pics just in case. {Jay, insert your fat jokes here}

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