Thread: World of Tanks
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Unread 02-18-2011, 08:48 PM
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Palantir Palantir is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 701

I've tried out 5 different tanks now:

Leichttraktor- light tank, 37mm - starting German & looks like a tractor / fast used as a scout. {Ok, but I dislike getting killed in it every battle, used it till I could buy a Pz38..)

Pz 38T - this tank leads to the TD line {I sold the Pz 35T, fun & fast can kill small stuff & SPA's}

Hetzer- TD of course. {This was the tank I WANTED to play in this game but-slow, slow, slow and the narrow field of traverse drives me crazy so I rarely play it now. I might like it if I eventually can buy a 75/L48 or 105mm gun and replace the weak 75/L43}

Strumpanzer I Bison- (SPA) slow moving and slow firing but with a 150mm gun, its fun to play just because of the gun and big hits but vulnerable to everything.

T1 Cunningham- light tank, 37mm gun, starting USA & also looks like a tractor / fast, used as a scout (never fielded). {same as the German starter - just opens up the USA tank line}

T57 SPG (SPA) 76mm gun, quick firing, good armor for an SPA (also never fielded). {Fun fun, fun, fast, quick firing and armor that allows you to return fire after being hit. I've played this the most. I can hit everything but I'm getting tired of just damaging the med enemy tanks every game and not killing them. I'm going to move up to the M37 with a 105mm, designed in '45, used in Korea.

{All the tanks are "real" even if just on the drawing board or a prototype.}

The only problem is some battles have had up to 7 SPA's a match which is over kill, 3 should be the max with the maps & slugfest idea in mind.

Here's the link - should you get in I'm "MithLuin."
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