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Unread 02-25-2005, 08:49 AM
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Default CC 5 League Play

This was an idea and a group I started back in August. I had told Tiger of it and I am assuming it went up/down the ranks and was given the go ahead.
Since my return to the CC5 community I have received a good deal of feedback from players who wish to see this continue.

I am pasting the general concept and the by laws and asking for you all to give your opinions and possible tweaks needed.

I think that this is a good idea, but wanted to know what the whole clan thinks.

Some changes I would like to make to the original idea are at the bottom..

Constitution and By Laws

Article 1: The League

(a) The Close Combat Five League is a group of 16 people joined together for the common purpose of simulating battles from World War Two of their own. All members are advised strongly to own their own copy of Atomic’s Close Combat Five, Invasion Normandy along with any patches and mods of the game that are commonly available. They are further encouraged to participate on GameSpy to play games and promote the league.

Article 2: The Commissioner

(a) The Commissioner is responsible running the league, which includes creating battles, tracking records of players, performing off-season activities and making decisions regarding league policies that will effect the league in the present and future. The commissioner must always act in a manner that best benefits The League, should always be a participant or former participant, and should always attempt to have all slots of the league filled.

(b) The Commissioner is entitled to split duties with another for the benefit of the league, with each of the parties involved considered an Assistant Commissioner.

(c) Should the Commissioner step down, he or she shall appoint a successor. Any appointee must be approved by two thirds of the active membes. If he or she does not do so, current Owners will volunteer for the position and a vote will be taken, with the Owner receiving the majority of the votes being declared Commissioner. If there is no majority, enough votes will be taken until a majority has been established.

(d) The Commissioner shall serve for a term of three seasons, or one calendar year. After that term he/she may be re-nominated for another term. Any challenger may upon nomination run for office of Commissioner. Voting shall follow the same rules as Article 2 Item c.

Article 3: The Members

(a) Simply put, any person who is in charge of the day-to-day activities of a battle will be considered a Member. In order to be part of the CC5 League, an member must endorse and accept the terms of the By-Laws and is the sole person responsible for all actions concerning a battle, which will be discussed further below. It is highly recommended that each Owner possess his/her own personal copy of SSI Close Combat 5 and all patches and mods to properly run the game.

(b) A Member may not switch responsibility for a battle to another member at any time. No Member may be in more than one division, nor may the Member collude with any other Member or group of Members to unjustly gain any advantage over another Member. Any Owner found guilty of collusion will be expelled from the CC5 League for a minimum of one season.

(c) A three-member Executive Board will be formed to assist and advise the Commissioner on policy if the commissioner feels it is necessary. This group will consist of the Commssioner and the most senior members of the league. If there is a tie in seniority, the Commissioner will decide who is on the E-Board.

(d) Each Member is expected to participate in the daily operations of his/her battle group. If the Commissioner does not hear from them in 20 days, the Member will be sent a note to check his/her presence. If this not does not get a response within five days the Owner will lose their slot in the league, but may file for re-entry.

(e) If an Owner is going to be without access for an extended period of time, he or she may authorize another member not currently in the league to act as Custodian. They should do the best he/she can to follow the instructions of the unavailable Member.

(f) If an Owner quits or is relieved of his/her duties, a new Owner shall be enlisted as soon as possible. It is important to keep all 16 slots occupied.

(g) Owners are encouraged to be active participants in the league. Above all it is to be remembered that while competitive this league is for recreation. Civil behavior is expected at all times. Spam mailing, harassment are not at all a part of recreation and will not be tolerated.

Article 4: Daily Activities

Each day, the Commissioner will be responsible for providing general information regarding standings, events and status to other members. The Commissioner must also make the league files available and update a World Wide Web page on a regular basis. Schedules will be posted to a group page and/or sent via Email. The Email each owner will receive will consist of schedules or any events that are deemed needed for other Members.

Article 5: Conflicts and Resolution

(a) If there is a dispute between two or more Owners, it will be referred to the Commissioner, who will render his decision. If one or more of the involved owners feel that decision is unfair, he/she may appeal to the E-Board. If any involved party is on the E-board, the Owner will be replaced by the Owner with the most seniority by the Commissioner. Should a conflict involve the Commissioner, he/she will immediately defer to the E-board.

Article 6:Amendments

(a) Amendments to the By - Laws may be made at any time. Each Amendment must be approved by a 2 thirds margin of the League Members. Amendments must be placed in writing to the Commissioner who will then forward the motion to the league mailing list. Motions will be voted on live or by email at the beginning of a new season.

Article 7: Procedure of Play

Both players will ensure that the proper game files and mod are installed on their computer. Players will participate in the assigned battle for two days consisting of two 15 minute segments. Individual options may exist for a given battle and both players will abide by any of the limitations or special rules for a scenario.
The computer will determine the level of victory and that result will be entered into the designated area of the message board.
Points will be awarded by the level of victory that is granted by the computer. For a total victory five (5) points will be granted, for a decisive victory four (4) points, for a major victory three (3) points, for a minor victory (2) points will be given to the victor. For a stalemate each combatant will be given one (1) point.
Players will reverse sides and reverse hosting options. (It is recommended that the US/Allied forces host the game.) The same process for points will be followed. Note that each instance of the battle will count separately for points, and the points will NOT be tallied between the two battles. Each engagement is considered a separate event.
Players will play each member of their division one time, for a total of six engagements for a season. This will account for a six week regular season. This will be followed by the Playoff Season.
Article 8: AWOL GAMES

Nothing is worse than waiting for your match to play and the player doesn’t show. However, there are reasonable guidelines to cover AWOL games.

An AWOL game occurs when member (A) fails to appear for a scheduled match within 45 minutes of the mutually agreed time; or (B) agrees to continue a match at a specific time but fails to appear to resume the match within 45 minutes of the specific time. A "failure to finish" occurs when a member fails to coordinate with, respond to, or contact his opponent in order to finish a previously continued match.
Whenever a member believes that a no show has occurred, or that an opponent has failed to coordinate with, respond to, or contact him in order to finish a previously continued match (failed to finish), he must make a "final post" on the CC5 Message Boards, requesting specific dates and times to complete said match. If, after three days, his opponent has not responded to said "final post" and/or provided dates and times to finish, the member who contends that a no show or failure to finish has occurred then may post a win.
The maximum of five points (total victory) will be accumulated for an AWOL win. The player who was awarded the win is NOT compelled to replay a match for which he has been granted an AWOL win. IF the player chooses to do so, he must post his intent on the message board.
An AWOL win does not count for both battles within a match.
Any player that accumulates two AWOL losses in a given season may be immediately removed from the league, at the discretion of the Commissioner or Board, but may reapply for membership.
Article 9: Playoffs

At the end of the regular season points will be tallied and six players will advance to the playoffs.
Each winner of his division will automatically advance to the playoffs.
The two players with the highest point total will also advance to the playoffs as wild card entries. In the event of a tie between other players in the wild card a tiebreaker will be used.
The first tie breaker will be based on head to head competition. If the players have played each other the total differential between their points will be calculated with the winner being determined the wild card entry.
The second tiebreaker will be a randomly generated battle fought in the same manner as other engagements in the regular season. The winner will be the player with the greatest point differential after the two battles are fought.
For the first round of the playoffs the two wild cards will combat the two divisional leaders with the lowest point total. No player will play one from his own division in this round.
The players will then advance using a standard tournament bracket with seeding determined by accumulated regular season points.

A big change that I would like to make is have this league become clan oriented. KG, AT, LUFT, PZT, AA and Independents would field a team and the league would follow scheduled and unscheduled matches. Here's an example

Team A
Team B
Team C
Team D

Scheduled Games Week One (worth 2X points)
Team A sched Team B
Team C sched Team D

Week Two
Team B plays Team C
Team A plays Team D

Week Three
Team A v Team C
Team B v Team D

Each team would have ONE scheduled match where they put who they want against another member of another team.

Unscheduled matches are worth normal points and can be played by anyone against anyone with no limit to games played.

Tournament House agreed to sponsor and host this league for free.
They would also include the data base for this league.
There were 16 players interested. By making this clan feature I think we increase the membership. Non clan affiliated teams would for Independent squads.
A great chance for smack talking.

Please comment

KG Wiking
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Unread 02-26-2005, 01:28 AM
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KG_Panzerschreck KG_Panzerschreck is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Williamsburg, Pa.
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i would be into this as well if i had more time. as stated earlier, in the spring ill have more time to devote to more gaming.
http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd168/KG_Panzerschreck/557982_408582825918865_292225826_n1_zps9b264b91.jp  g
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