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Unread 05-04-2008, 12:49 AM
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Default Here Come the Marines

From Steve's Blog entry from today:

The Modular Marine

As the release of the first ever Combat Mission Module, focusing on Marines, comes closer and close we feel it's time for a more detailed update about it. First, a recap of what a Module is:

A Module is an extension of the basic game system, in this case Combat
Mission: Shock Force
(which covers contemporary warfare). Additional units are the primary focus of a Module, however some new game elements may also be introduced. Generalized game environment improvements, such as TacAI changes or tweaking a cover value, will continue to be available as a patch for everybody. It is our goal to make sure that everybody is playing the same basic game regardless of which Module they do, or do not, have. We're not a fan of the traditional approach which is to say "tough luck, you need to buy an upgrade to stay current", which is why we're not doing that :)

For example, Player 1 may have CM:SF only, Player 2 CM:SF+Marines, Player 3 CM:SF+British, Player 4 CM:SF+Marines+British, etc. All four players can play each others' scenarios/campaigns and play head to head with the same game environment regardless of who has what Module. The restriction is that the stuff being played with must be common to any two given players. In my example here all four players are able to use the US and Syrian units and terrain that are present in CM:SF. Two players can play with Marines as well as the basic game's stuff, and two can play with Brits. But only one player can play with any of the content that the other three have.

The tricky part for us is making sure it is seamless for players. This is something that we designed into the engine and are now simply "hooking up" so that it works. The way it works is you buy a Module and install it. This gives your basic game access to information in the Module. The basic game, however, is the same as everybody else's. Which means that when we patch the basic game you download the same thing everybody else does, not find a specific version that is for people who "own this Module, but not that one". Trust us... we don't want that headache any more than you do!

After a Module is installed an icon shows up in the bottom corner of the main game menu screen. Currently there is one for Shock Force's default subject matter (represented by a Stryker), so next to this
would be an icon for the Marines Module if you just installed it. This tells you that you have access to the basic game and Marines Module stuff each and every time you boot the game.

In the Editor all the content you own is available all the time, but when you add stuff to a scenario from one module that scenario will require anyone playing the scenario have that same module. Meaning, if you add a Marines Rifle Platoon to a scenario, the Marines Module is required to play it. The user interface is set up to make sure scenario designers are well aware of which Modules their work will require so that they don't accidentally require something. If you should happen to download a scenario that requires something you don't have, no big deal. It simply won't be available for you to play.

Well, that's enough background on Modules, now onto details about the Marines!

The question that people want to know first is "when will it be done". As usual, we don't have a solid answer to give. We had hoped to have it released right about now, but work on the underlying engine delayed things more than expected. Testers are playing with the actual Marines Module content already and it won't be too much longer before you will be able to.

The next question (or perhaps the first one <g>) is what does the Marines Module include? Easily done:

New TO&E
Marines Infantry Battalion
Marines Assault Amphibian Battalion
Marines Tank Battalion
Marines Recon Battalion
Marines Engineer Battalion
Syrian Airborne Battalion

New Weapons

M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher
Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW)
M16A4 rifle
M16A4 rifle w/M203 Grenade Launcher

New Vehicles
Marine M1A1 Abrams
Marine M1A1 FEP Abrams
LAV-25 A2
MTVR 6x6 Armored Truck
M1046 TOW Humvee
T-90SA Tank
BRDM-2 (AT-5)

Also included are new scenarios and a campaign. There are also bound to be some surprises, but if I told you what they were right now they wouldn't be surprises <g>

One thing of particular note is the Marines Rifle Squad. This is a VERY different beast from what you're used to. First of all, it's HUGE... 13 men divided up into three fireteams. Second, the extra firepower it has is enormous. The addition of the M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher means that each Squad is toting around what amounts to a mini Mk19 Grenade Launcher. According to the revised actual TO&E there are three of these per Squad (held by the Fireteam Leaders), but we're still trying to get conformation that this is the way they are actually going to go. There was some debate about keeping two of the Fireteam Leaders armed with M16/M203 as is the case now. However, I am pretty sure you'll be seeing three per Squad.

I guess the last thing to do is show off some screenshots before concluding this blog entry:

In conclusion... Marines Module is packed with a lot of cool stuff and it will be available to you all soon. By "all" I mean to anybody with a Battlefront, Paradox, and Gamer's Gate version of CM:SF. All purchases will be through our website regardless of which version you might have. The price will be $25.



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Unread 05-04-2008, 03:55 PM
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Cool =) Ill buy it. The more I mess with CMSF the more I like it.
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Unread 05-05-2008, 01:16 AM
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Here's more from the Battlefront forum:

Member # 42

posted May 04, 2008 05:09 PM Ack... a post I made yesterday apparently didn't actually get posted. Oh well, time to reconstruct and add to it!

Syrian Airborne is basically Special Forces with BMP-3s and some slightly different weaponry (AT-13 standard, for example).

SRAW is not in. It's a program that has been mired in problems and currently is in "limited production". More importantly, as far as we know not a single one of them is sitting in either Afghanistan or Iraq. Something's not all peaches and cream with that program, so we decided not to touch it. Yet, at least.

The Humvees with "patrol" armor on the roof is not something we feel is appropriate for the CM:SF conventional setting. These things, along with a rather lengthy list of other items, are designed for COIN ops, which is why you see pics of them in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We never adjust our pricing based on someone else's bargain bin mentality. That's been our philosophy from the start of retail involvement (2000) and will continue to be that way. Modules have always been planned for direct distribution (i.e. our contract with Paradox was for CM:SF only). The economics do not favor Modules going into retail distribution, at least not for a long time and never as stand alone product.

No, we are not going to give away the Marine Module to anybody. However, that isn't to say that we aren't planning on giving away something else.

Yup, I see the Mk19 Humvees was accidentally left of the list. I'll get that corrected.

Remember that the game's setting is Syria in the very near future, therefore we are not including complete fantasy equipment. The Syrians will probably have some (though very few) T-90SAs in the near future, so we felt that was an appropriate thing to add. BMP-3 is already in Syrian inventory. Other vehicles, which have nothing to do with the Syrian setting, will eventually make their way into CM. But a large scale "what if" conflict between the best of NATO and the best of Russian and Chinese equipment is not going to happen for a while.

We will eventually add Red Air Support, even though it is completely ridiculous to think that it would survive more than a few minutes of the conflict prior to the ground attacks starting. The Israeli Air Force predicts that the Syrians would last no more than an hour or so, and that was years ago when the Syrians were more prepared The recent incursion of Syria's airspace by IDF planes proves that they have no intention of doing battle in the air because they know they will lose.

Pics of the T-90SA, and others, have to wait for a bit because they are still being textured.

The Marines are a very different force. Yes, they have some of the same equipment as is currently in the game, but not as much as you would think. As the blog entry states, the backbone of the Marines is the 13 man Rifle Squad of three Fire Teams. The only weapons in common with an Army Rifle Squad are the M4 carried by the Fireteam Leaders, AT-4s, and grenades. Other than that, nothing in common. Think of the current US Army MOUT Squads with more men and heavier weapons. Vehicles are also quite different.


[ May 04, 2008, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]


“A government big enough to give you everything you need is strong enough to take everything you have.” Thomas Jefferson--the first Democrat President
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Unread 05-05-2008, 04:14 PM
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I have to wonder about a NEW game system that only gives you "part" of a nations forces (especially when the effects/differences are really minimal) then charges you "again" for another part of them. What's next a special $20 modular that had Special Ops units?

"Buy our NEW Gettysburg game system, limited to the Union I & III Corps and Confederate I Corps. We plan soon on adding a modular to include the Union V & VI Corps (they have more men!!!!) and the Confederate III Corps (some extra cannon!). And another with the Union XII Corps (larger platoons!!!) and Confederate II Corps (sorry the "Jackson is there" option will be in a future seperate modular) Plus in a far future modular, now hold your breath to include- Cavalry!"

They were already there for crying out load, so too should have been "Marine" units...

A modular instead should be about different combat fronts & settings, not just a few new units graphics. Ex. "The next Modular will include the Petersburg/Richmond Sieges and naval warfare!" now thats a modular.
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Unread 05-05-2008, 06:23 PM
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How much for a nuke mod?
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Unread 05-05-2008, 09:12 PM
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Just think a blue on blue of marines vs brits....
lots of potential....
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