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Unread 03-07-2008, 01:20 AM
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Oberste Befehlshaber (Ret.)
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Default Conquest of the Aegean Final Release


Andthe requisite Changleog:

Welcome to the Conquest of the Aegean (COTA) Patch 3 (Build 3.3.147E).

This patch fixes all bugs reported since Patch 2, including the bug which could cause a crash to desktop (CTD) after a bridge was constructed if the user interacted while the terrain tables were being rebuilt. It also fixes the bug that sometimes erroneously reset the strength of reinforcements to 100%. And we have enhanced complex attacks, making it less likely that these will be called off and improving the force allocation to subAttacks. Some minor issues have also been addressed. Please see the items below for more details.

In addition we took this opportunity to enhance a number of scenarios – including Parachutes over Corinth, Foothills of the Gods and Charge of the Centaurs. The latter two now have multiple reinforcement schedules, as well as the historical schedule, for added replay-ability. We also modified the German engineers in Parachutes over the Corinth, removing the bridge from the Abn Pioneer and adding instead to the LAH Bridging Column.

As a treat we are providing brand new scenarios. Gamble and Scramble is a hypothetical scenario covering a major Allied counter offensive against the German main supply route in Greece. Bir el Gubi-19Nov41 covers the famous North African desert battle at the outset of Operation Crusader. To facilitate this we have provided a new map of the Bir el Gubi area and added estabs sufficient to cover all the major force types that participated in the 1941 desert battles. We are looking to users to develop further maps and scenarios for this exciting theatre.


Dave “Arjuna” O’Connor
Panther Games Pty Ltd
27 Feb 08


Here are the individual task tracker ( TT ) items addressed in Patch 3:
TT3371 - AI - Abandon Plan - Overhaul code to ensure all cases covered
TT3372 - AI - Abandon Task - Enable Commitment of Reserves in Attack plans
TT3387 - AI - AbandonMissionEvent - Line 1018 - Check for abandoning subAttacks before committing reserve
TT3378 - AI - AbandonPlan - Ensure future plans only reset status - ie no replanning
TT3367 - AI - AbandonPlans - Add ReserveCommittedReport and ActionHistories
TT3383 - AI - AbandonPlans - Ensure reserves not committed to previously Abandoned Attacks
TT3373 - AI - Arty Bunker Down - Ignore if no enemy within 3000m
TT3384 - AI - Arty Rebasing - Check out Richard's Saved Game and arty rebasing too often
TT3381 - AI - AssociatedCrossings - Ensure AssociatedCrossing Ptr removed on Abandoning plan
TT3414 - AI - AtStartPers - Ensure CoreFG recopied from totalFG after removing all peripheral tasks
TT3427 - AI - AtStartPers - Fix loophole in Scheduling code to ensure correct FG used when creating new mission task
TT3227 - AI - Attacks - Complex - Ensure Sub-Attacks not positioned on other side of river
TT3379 - AI - Attacks - Ensure CoreFG used throughout initiation code
TT3376 - AI - Attacks - Ensure FUP in passable location - Assert at ScenRoute.cpp, line 3726
TT3328 - AI - Attacks - Ensure new vetting code for non-routers is working properly - see JeF's recordings
TT3313 - AI - Attacks - Ensure Routers are only allocated to the Reserve Task
TT3298 - AI - Attacks - Ensure subAttack offsets for objectives excluded from possible FUP locations
TT3281 - AI - Attacks - Improve probability of launching attacks
TT3278 - AI - Attacks - Modify AchievedObjective() to cater for large forces
TT3366 - AI - Attacks - Revise ObjAchieved() for Complex Attacks
TT3283 - AI - Basing Code - Consolidate, make consistent and prevent rebasing during assault
TT3302 - AI - Check out the calculating of Losses for Disbanded units
TT3389 - AI - Checksum - Minimise processing of tasks with no subject
TT3305 - AI - CTD - Check out Saved Game from Ogontion
TT3377 - AI - Dead Unit - Ensure no further processing of ReceiveOrders() if unit surrenders
TT3309 - AI - Delay - Ensure revised blocking tasks are acted upon in ReceiveOrders()
TT3308 - AI - Delay - Improve the fallsback reassessment
TT3418 - AI - EndGame Review - Enable intel on dead units to have their location set to kNullMapLoc
TT3304 - AI - Ensure Enemy Kills Total is factoring in Losses from Transport Columns
TT3186 - AI - Ensure Sunrise/Sunset times stick when reloading saved game
TT3329 - AI - EstabFormationEffects.cpp, line 106 - Dead unit not removed from FG
TT3364 - AI - Firebases - Ensure MissionFacing for Attacks correctly calced
TT3271 - AI - Force Allocation - Ensure FP of isolated units is properly deducted
TT3270 - AI - Force Allocation - Final HQ Check to try and reduce doubling up of subHQs
TT3426 - AI - Force Allocation - Increase liklihood of Bn subUnits staying together
TT3425 - AI - Force Allocation - Increase Perimeter Suitability Effect to max of 70%
TT3436 - AI - Force Structure - Ensure Reattachment removes link with prevBoss
TT3434 - AI - Fuel Consumption - Ensure fuel expended during DefendEvents albeit at a reduced rate
TT3345 - AI - Game Recording #005 - Ensure inSitu for Rest
TT3397 - AI - GameDiagnostics 456 - Ensure HHour within bounds
TT3402 - AI - GameDiagnostics 483 - Enable multiple calls to StopProcessingMissionPlan()
TT3391 - AI - GN 444 - Ensure CheckIndTasks uses StopProcessingTask() when completing task
TT3417 - AI - InitialiseUnits() - Ensure only active units are assigned as new currSuperForce
TT3416 - AI - InitialiseUnits() - Spiral up to find first orgSuperForce that is onMap or a Reinforcement
TT3282 - AI - Intel - SpotEnemyForces() - Cull old sighting if within 500m and have LOS and no one there
TT3420 - AI - MTT 2204 - Ensure CheckLoc() called before using adjusted arrival Loc
TT3424 - AI - PD 603 - Ensure InitialiesUnits()::DestroyUnusedUnits() uses the activeOrgSuper
TT3406 - AI - Plan Scheduling - Ensure completed Independent Tasks are stopped correctly
TT3365 - AI - Plan Scheduling - Ensure ForceGroups are adjusted correctly after regen of formation
TT3375 - AI - Plan Sheduling - Added CullOldPlanTasks() to remove completed tasks on replanning
TT3370 - AI - Plan Slippage - Ensure Current Tasks do not change their StartTime
TT3405 - AI - PlanAttack 8180 - Ensure ReserveLoc set to SubjectLoc if reserveDepth/2 > assault route
TT3279 - AI - Planning/Orders - Added TaskChangeRequiredType to BossTaskVersions
TT3280 - AI - Planning/Orders - Ensure TaskChangeRequiredTypes handled correctly
TT3386 - AI - PlanScheduling - Ensure previous crossing references cleared when updating crossing references
TT3385 - AI - PlanScheduling - Line 603 - Ensure references to crossings cleared when plan stopped
TT3311 - AI - Reassessments - Ensure Important Reasessments are not obviated by minor ones
TT3262 - AI - Reinforcements - Fix bug in PlaceReinforcementsOnMapFunction that erroneously sets strength to 100%
TT3284 - AI - Resupply - Ensure restricted sides do not initiate Resupply Determination at 0600
TT3410 - AI - SCAI 6053 & SD 2838 - Ensure we handle case where supply route starts and end in same loc
TT3404 - AI - ScenCommonAI 6053 - Use DummyStartLoc if startLoc < 100m from endLoc
TT3342 - AI - ScenCrossingPointline 1196 - missing archive member
TT3401 - AI - ScenReinforcementEvent 521 - Increase prob of boss replanning if abandoned subordinate plan is signifccant
TT3338 - AI - ScenRoute line 5051 - Ensure force stay's put when formation set to inSitu for PlanRest and PlanReorg
TT3400 - AI - ScenTask 4138 - Ensure Task Status checked before accessing tasks
TT3413 - AI - Scheduling - Ensure Task Assigner set correctly
TT3363 - AI - Slippage - Assert PodDatabase line 603 - Prevent slipping plans where there is no bossTask
TT3398 - AI - SMP 1808 - Ensure taskEnd < objTaskEnd
TT3407 - AI - SMP 1853 - MissionTaskFG != coreFG
TT3340 - AI - SMP line 3544 - Cater for Blown Crossing
TT3430 - AI - SMP::CullFUPs() - Ensure final objective location kept
TT3396 - AI - SPS 10702 - Ensure reserveTask is not complete or abandoned
TT3422 - AI - SPS 12166 - Ensure Abandoned plans are replanned on receive orders with change
TT3431 - AI - SPS 1812 - Ensure Units with no CP are disbanded
TT3411 - AI - SPS 933 - Exclude dead units from being assigned as current superForce
TT3419 - AI - SPS 9887 - Amend Assert to cater for Rinforcement going on Hold when placed on map
TT3421 - AI - SPS 9889 - Ensure currSuperForce set correctly when onMapBoss destroyed
TT3423 - AI - SPS 9890 - Modify Assert for no currSuperForce to exempt forces under direct human command
TT3428 - AI - SPS 9956 - Ensure Old Side Plans culled when new OnMapBoss arrives
TT3337 - AI - SPS line 5035 assert - ensure inSitu for Hold
TT3432 - AI - SR 3726 - Revise DetermineRoute() for FUPs
TT3394 - AI - SRE 521 - Ensure Superior Responds correctly to subordinate abandoning its orders
TT3409 - AI - SRE 521 - Remove Assert that is no longer valid
TT3390 - AI - SRF Line 11761 - Ensure missionFG used in DeterminePeripheralTasks
TT3429 - AI - ST 1518 - Only check PlanTasks for attack timings
TT3415 - AI - ST 1719 - Ensure if SideTask has Assigner it is the onMapBoss
TT3380 - AI - StartProcessingTask() - Ensure recheduling reassessments handles cases where plan abandoned
TT3382 - AI - StopProcessingMissionPlan() - Set status of ObjectiveTask to Abandoned when Plan abandoned
TT3347 - AI - Take the Pass - AT Recording #004 - Revise FindSupplyBase()
TT3332 - AI - Task Timings - GameDiagnostics line 444 - constrain HHour to max( timeNow, Start )
TT3346 - AI - TaskDoctrine line 5088 - RemoveUnitFromActiveList(), MainFG update bug et al
TT3348 - AI - TaskDoctrine line 7654 - Fix error in IsDistanceMoreThan()
TT3314 - AI - TaskSecureCrossings - Change Assert so it doesn't test for Achievement in last minute of AI objectives
TT3395 - AI - TD 5701 - Add check for depotTask subject before processing it
TT3412 - AI - TP 310 - Ensure subordinates of dead units are assigned a valid CurrentSuperForce
TT3266 - AI - UI - CTD in Mehring's Elasson Saved Game - bridge completion
TT3267 - AI - Weather - Assert running Narvik 40 scenario - check out Greg's recording
TT3269 - AI - Weather - Fix bug that fired when nightfall is midnight
TT3330 - CTD - Check out GoodGuys's Tempe Saved Game
TT3445 - Documentation - Patch 3 Read Me - Add Richard's comments
TT3461 - Documentation - Revise Advanced Tutorial Manual
TT3460 - Documentation - Revise Getting Started Manual
TT3457 - Maps - Revise Bir el Gubi map
TT3374 - MM - Increase Max Map Area to 2500 square kms
TT3459 - Saved Games - Redo Saved Games for Advanced Tutorial
TT3458 - Saved Games - Redo Saved Games for Intro Tutorial
TT3296 - Scenarios - Charge of the Centaurs v2 - Added Reinforcement Schedules
TT3456 - Scenarios - First Clash at Veve - Bring in LAH Bde HQ with 2nd Bn
TT3265 - Scenarios - FOG - Ensure 72nd Base arrival locations is valid
TT3297 - Scenarios - Gamble and Scramble v2.4 - New scenario
TT3295 - Scenarios - Parachutes over Corinth v2 - Removed bridge from Abn Pnr and added bridge to LAH Bridging Column
TT3301 - Scenarios - Remove Template C41, C44
TT3399 - ScenCrossingPoint 746 - RespondToDemolition() - Fix Assert - test for taskStatus not planStatus
TT3447 - SM - Enable Show Grid Menu Item
TT3285 - SM - Fix glitch that fails to display new Inf Gun icons in Force List
TT3268 - SM - Sunrise/Sunset - Restrict Ranges and warn user
TT3272 - UI - AI - Bridge Construction - Ensure thread safe when recalcing terrain after upgrading crossing
TT3462 - UI - Enable Cursor Keys when OB Display has the focus after double-clicking unit on map
TT3310 - UI - Force Data - Ensure summary data correct when displaying data for multiple units
TT3439 - UI - GameTask - If no existing order then ignore code to add in attachments
TT3438 - UI - OB DIsplay - Ensure Updated when units enter and exit map and are destroyed
TT3441 - UI - Reattach - Refresh Orders Tab after reattachment
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